Art and Languages

As you may have noticed, I am interested in art. The works on this web site are my original works and are drawn using a drawing app on a tablet. On this page, I want to have basic words in the field of art in several languages.

I am particularly interested in traditional Scandinavian art, since one of my favorite styles of work is similar to the traditional Norwegian folk art known as Rosemaling, featuring floral designs. 

Some samples of traditional Rosemaling can be found at Bing images and Pinterest. An article about Rosemaling can be found on the Sons of Norway web site at


Art history web site in Italian

A web site about art history, entirely in Italian can be found at

Art history web site in Norwegian

A web page devoted to history of art, entirely in the Norwegian language can be found at Norsk kunsthistorie – Store norske leksikon (

Art terms from other languages

 bas - relief - from the French, a sculptural work on a flat background, with raised areas, giving the work a three dimensional effet

chiaroscuro - from the Italian, meaning light/dark, and refers to light and shadows in a painting

collage - from the French word coller, which means to glue. Collage is making a work of art from various papers glued onto a surface

decoupage - gluing paper to hard surfaces with glue, from French

motif - decorative design - from French

paper colle - paper glued onto an actual picture for effect, from French

origami - folding paper into various shapes, eg: a bird, from Japanese

Resaissance - from the French word for rebirth

tromp d'oeil - (literally fooling the eye), a painting to realistic that it appears to be the object itself, rather than a painting, from French