Classic French Authors


Albert Camus, 1913 - 1960, French author born in French Algeria. He received the Nobel Price for literature in 1957.  His works include The Stranger (L’Éltranger), The Plague (La Peste) and The Fall (La Chute).

Dumas, Alexander, 1802 - 1870, works include The Count of Monte Cristo and The Three Musketeers

Rostand, Edmond, 1843 - 1915, best known for is 1897 play Cyrano de  Bergerac


Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning French

A PDF copy of The Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning French on Your Own by Gail Stein can be read for free at


Dictionnaire de spiritualite

A dictionary in the French language where it is possible to look up subjects pertaining to spirituaity and religion. For example, if you type in moyen age (Middle Ages), several entries will show up with helpful information. The web site is entirely in French and can be found at Beauchesne - (

The web site has grammar lessons, quizzes and articles about France and the French language. Grammar lessons range from beginner all the way to advanced. The web site can be found at


Histoire du Monde

A  web site with a timeline, photos and concise article about each time period can be found at

This is a good opportunity to learn history while improving your French.


News in Slow French

News in Slow French is a web site where is it possible to listen to the news in French. It is called News in Slow French because the speakers speak slowly enough to be easy to understand.  Although one must pay in order to listen to the entire news broadcast, it is possible to listen to some of it for free, and since a new episode is added each day, it is a good opportunity to practice listening to French.  The web site can be found at