FSI language course at freelanguage.org

A language web site, freelanguage.org has a Russian course available from FSI (the Foreign Service Institute - the government agency that teaches languages to diplomats). The course can be found at


Toward the end of the first paragraph of the page it says in light blue letters US Foreign Service Institute's Russian Language Course. The lessons will show up, with a total of 11 detailed lessons and 8 audio files.



Learn Russian - free language lessons

A web site with 100 detailed lessons, sound files, quizzes and test (just like school!) can be found at


I am working on the lessons and I am up to lesson 13. When you complete an exercise or a quiz, you get a green check mark. Some of the exercises are difficult and it is difficult to get a green check mark, however I am trying my best. If you study the lessons, you can register and log on (for free) and the web site will keep track of your progress.

It is possible to learn alot from this web site.

Reading practice in Russian

A web site that offers good reading practice in Russian (and also in French, German and Spanish) can be found at


The readings are not very difficult, and are on a variety of topics, including people, music, history and literature. It is also possible to bring up the English and practice reading the articles side by side.


A good web site with Russian lessons beginning with the basics, including the alphabet, pronunciation and sound files can be found at


Some of the chapters include basic phrases, places, family and grammar lessons. There are a total of 18 lessons. In addition, there are lengthy readings for practice with audio and grammar and vocabulary. Clicking on the Getting started under the heading Russian lessons has an article on why Russian is easier to learn than many people would think. I recommend reading it.