There are several web sites where it is possible to read biographies in other langauges, including Spanish, Italian, French, Nowegian, etc.

Spanish Biographies

This biography web site is in Spanish. The web site is called biografías y vidas and contains bios that includes celebrities, historical figures and well as prominent people in art and music. This web site can be found at

Este sitio de web de la biografía está en español. El sitio web se llama biografías y vidas y contiene la bios que incluye celebridades, figuras históricas y gente bien como prominente en arte y música.

Some biographies that I find interesting in Spanish are

Miguel de Cervantes - who lived from 15 47 - 1616, and is most famous for Don Quixote, a novel in about a man who wanted to go on adventures and become a knight errant and in particular fought against windmills.

Miguel de Cervantes - quien vivió de 15 47-1616 y es el más famoso de Don Quijote, una novela sobre un hombre que quería ir en aventuras y convertirse en un caballero andante y en particular luchó contra molinos de viento.