The Love letters of Heloise and Abelard in French

To read the entire collection of the love letters of Heloise and Abelard in French you can visit the following web site:’Abélard_et_d’Héloïse/Texte_entier


The Writings of Heloise and Abelard in French and Latin

Of particular interest to me is the life and writings of the Medieval lovers, Heloise and Abelard.

Here is a brief summary of their lives:

The story of Abelard and Heloise is a true Romeo and Juliette love affair from the 12th century.  Heloise (also known as Heloise of Argenteuil), was born in France approximately 1101 AD, and was raised by her uncle Fulbert of Notre Dame. Peter Abelard (born 1079 AD in La Pallet, France) was a noted scholar who became her teacher. They fell in love and Heloise had a son they named Astrolabe. They experienced terrible opposition from Fulbert, who arranged for thugs to break into Abelard's room and castrate him. He then enterered a monastary and Heloise became a nun, however they continued to write to each other. Heloise loved Abelard her entire life and was buried next to Abelard in the Pere Lachaise Cemetery in Paris when she died.

Here is a web site with several of their works written in French.

Works by Abelard in Latin can be found at The Latin Library at

I am interested in the work by Abelard, Sic Et Non, presenting two different opinions on a number of religious questions. I have found that copies of the book in English seem to be rare and very expensive. It is a dream of mine to someday translate the Latin text into English and have it available to the public at a reasonable price.