
There are many web sites that have readings in various langauges. Some of them include the Latin Library with works in the Latin language, (with books in many languages in pdf form) and web sites with plays including one of my favorites, Henrik Ibsen: Skuespill with all of his plays written in Danish. Although Ibsen was Norwegian, Danish was the literary language of both Denmark and Norway at the time he wrote.


The Norwegian writer, Henrik Ibsen, actually wrote his plays in Danish, which was considered the literary language of Norway at the time. It is possible to read his plays in Danish at the following web site Henrik Ibsen Skuespill



For readings in Icelandic with translations from the Univerity of Wisconsin you can visit This is a helpful and informative web site with a large number of passages to read.


The Italian writer Boccaccio is most well known for writing the Decameron, a series of 100 stories told over the course of 10 days by a group of seven women and three men fleeing from Florence to escape the Black Death. The Decameron was written from 1348 - 1853. A copy in Italian can be found at the following (copy and paste the web address to enter the web site)

LOGOS - various language resources

LOGOS - Non solo parole - Logos - More than just words. This web site has a multitude of resources including a children's dictionary in mary languages that can provide basic vocabulary and collections of readings. The children's dictionary can be found at Logos Dictionary and readings in various languages can be found at Logos Library  The web site also has ver conjugators and quotes in various languages. This can be an extremely helpful web site when studying language.

Reading Europe web site

A web site that provides free PDF format books in many different languages can be found at the Reading Europe web site. The web page

provides a drop down menu with many languages and a list of books in each language which can be read for free on-line.

Spanish and French Audio Readings

A good web site that provides audio readings on a variety of subjects such as movies, historical events, sporting events, etc. in Spanish and French can be found at  Some of the articles have sound files, some do not, however they all provide good reading and vocabulary practice.


August Strindberg was a Swedish playwright, poet and novesist who lived from 1849 - 1912. One of his most famous works is Miss Julie. He also wrote The Father, A Dream Play and The Red Room. A web site with his plays in Swedish can be found at:

The web site can also be found by typing projekt runeberg into Google. The site has works by 33,787 Scandinavian authors, with works that can be read on-line for free.